Zakir Khan: Mannpasand (Season 1) Full Show Now Available To Watch Online On OTT Platform Amazon Prime

Published:Mar 3, 202517:10
Updated on:Mar 4, 2025
Zakir Khan: Mannpasand (Season 1) Full Show Now Available To Watch Online On OTT Platform Amazon Prime
Mannpasand by Zakir Khan

When Zakir Khan tweeted on Twitter on December 2nd that after a long time a special is coming, I am ready for your love and abuses, I read it and felt that why can someone write like this, but that is Zakir Khan. I am a big fan of Zakir Khan, I have been a fan since the time he became a fan of the whole world, but because he is from Indore, we have a big city of his, then there is a rhythm of speaking, the way of speaking is very close to the heart. 

Zakir Khan: Mannpasand Details

Release Date: 07 Dec 2023
Language: Hindi
Country: India
Genre: Comedy
Platform: Amazon Prime
Star Cast: Zakir Khan
Directed by: Nishant Nayak
Written By: Zakir Khan
Production Company: Only Much Louder

Somewhere the same language, the same style we hear here too, which is there, so what happens in such a case, when there is a language that comes out of the heart very easily and reaches the other person with the same simplicity, then it feels very good to hear it, and in the same way, when you insert Zakir Khan's storytelling, then it turns out to be such a combination that you can't break it from somewhere. 

Zakir Khan, which is a stand-up comedian, but for me it is much more than a stand-up comedian, what is the work of a stand-up comedian, we see in today's date that you have come to the stage, then it is over, but I do not believe the meaning of Zakir Khan's stand-up comedy at all, Zakir Khan's stand-up comedy means means stand-up show means a journey, a journey, a story,  That's why when he wrote in the tweet of that December, try to see it in one go, because it's a one and a half hour episode. So when he wrote that try to see it in one go, then he understood that somewhere or the other, this is going to be an emotional roller coaster ride.

Also Read: Zakir khan quotes

Just a funny joke will not happen at all. And when he sat down to see it and finished it, I understood this thing by then. He also went and told a lot of such things in a very light way. Which today, even after spending lakhs and lakhs of rupees, no one will be able to tell you.  

if he will tell you, he will not be able to understand. The way in which everyone is running to catch professional goals today, He told it so easily that professional goals are nothing that are personal things that are personal loss.

The way in which you lose professional goals in order to give priority to your personal life,  How it is necessary to prioritize them, how it is necessary to keep them close to your heart, He told it very easily in this article. It may be a very wrong thing to call it a video, why?

Because when you give the name of the video to such a thing, to such a document,  I will say that when you give the name of the video, you give the knowledge, Then somewhere or the other, it really gets very far from special. Which really was the name of their show. When I heard the name, the name of the show is Tathastu. So after listening to it, I felt that what would be like Tathastu in this? 

 A person who is known for stand-up comedy, is known for his storytelling, So what will be Tathastu after all? When the show was over, when the meaning of Tathastu came out, Somewhere or the other, there was a big storm of emotions in the heart, And there were tears in the eyes that you should say and understand.  In a way, Zakir Khan has done this whole storytelling here, That you will become his fan even if you don't want to.

That's why I say that Zakir Khan is really the person in the real sense, Whom you have to understand that how you can enjoy life with ease.  Not everyone is such a person who brings out a joke out of the world. No.

If you listen to any of his words, you will feel that this thing had to happen. What's new in this? But the point of the presentation comes there. The point of delivery comes there.  How are you telling that thing on what occasion? The things that he told in the whole show, How did it come to you in the end? You will feel that wow, this man is a magician. Tadhasthu, whom I am talking about.

In that sense, when you will come to know in the end,  Then for a moment you will feel that it is really important to do Hindu-Muslim. Because the way things are happening in today's time, The way people are becoming insane, Shouldn't we blame the political agenda for this? I am not talking about any party here.

Blaming any party would mean that you are calling others saints.  This is a place where no one is decent. Everyone is wearing a mask here.

Everyone is sitting somewhere to learn their food. Yes, some talk about profit and some talk about loss. But that is something else. Tadhasthu tells you the importance of your family. Tells you that the things that you used to think wrong,  Those things are going to be very important in your life. The things that you didn't like at all, The things that you used to run away from, The thing that you used to blame on yourself.

The same thing becomes so important for you, the way of speaking which I talked about in the beginning, the way of speaking even today, many people tell me on my articles that you use so many words from Urdu, the city we come from, the environment in which we grew up, there the use of these words is so common that we can't escape it  and I know that when I am saying something and it sounds beautiful, then what is the problem?

I don't have any problem with any language, I only have a problem with my thoughts, and the thoughts which I don't like to look at that person but in Tathastu, we have been told that the way in which you live your life, whether it is your family, the pain of being separated from your family, the pain of getting a job, the pain of getting a dream, whatever it is, you just have to live those things  because when you don't do it, you won't get it, when a person doesn't jump in the water, then how will he learn to swim, it's natural, so sometimes there are things that you yourself don't know what your passion is and at today's rate, when you follow your passion, you get so much stress that you are forced to think that I am really not following my passion  so in such a case, passion is not necessary that you know it, sometimes you have to wander on the road and while wandering, passion comes on your cheeks as a slap and then you realize that where I was looking, my passion was not there at all, the thing that I kicked and came, maybe my passion was there  sometimes we ignore those things that are very important to us, which are very important to give us importance but when that ego goes away, or let's say when the shell of the sandal goes off, even if it gives you two tears in your eyes, but after that the fun that comes with it is something different  so in such a case, in Tathastu, all in all, Zakir Khan has told so many things so easily that after seeing it, what is said is that the mind is hurt, that thing happens emotional roller coaster ride, if a person is really not saying this, then maybe he is lying to you and himself, these are some special shows that you can't say anything about  and it will be wrong to say, according to me, just enjoy this thing, understand and let things go, in everything we keep saying in small things that no, this work of my office is important or that work of my office is important you can't always give priority to professional goals, sometimes our personal life is important, it becomes important for us to think about it,

What are we going to do, will this work be right for us  will this work be wrong for us, what point of view does our family have about this thing, when we keep this thing in front of our family, then how will it accept us, what is the impact of the elders of our house, what is the impact of the elders on us, all these small things are included in this show,  he is a person who is still in trouble in his life, even if he sees it, he will get something for himself, this show has so many things in it that you will not be able to move away from it and the closer you go, the more you will feel that it would have been better if it had been a little more, that's it for my article, if you tell me about it, then I can talk so much that I can't tell you, but it would be better if you go and watch it.

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