WHO’s COVID-19 Updates app is offered as soon as once more: Right here is all it's essential know

Published:Dec 5, 202314:00

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has launched a new mobile application to create awareness and provide the latest updates on the pandemic. Named ‘WHO COVID-19 Updates’, the new app features trustworthy information regarding the pandemic and the novel coronavirus. Unlike other COVID-related applications, the WHO COVID-19 Updates app doesn’t have contact tracing features.

WHO had released a similar mobile app back in April this year, which was shortly taken down since it apparently wasn’t meant for public availability. The new applications is a lot like the older one, more oriented towards using up-to-date news and safety advice to curb the spread of the virus.

How the WHO COVID-19 Updates app works

Once the app gets your location, it can show you the latest COVID-related news and updates pertaining to your region. The home screen of the app shows a count of the number of coronavirus cases in your country and globally. The app can also send you real-time notifications on the latest updates.

The app also features a Check-Up tab featuring a list of COVID-19 related symptoms, both serious and mild. The Learn tab in the app also advises you on travel-related updates. Scrolling down, you can see a list of basic hygiene practices that can be taken care of to reduce chances of catching the virus.

Common myths and answers around the COVID-19 virus can also be found in the app. Finally, there’s a link where you can donate to the COVID-19 Response Fund.

How to get the app?

Unless you’re in Nigeria, you will not find the WHO COVID-19 Updates app on the Google Play Store. The app, however, works with country-specific data in most regions. WHO plans to launch the app in other regions too later, but if you want to try it now, you can find the app’s APK on APK Mirror and can sideload it from there.

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