What can you do forever? One can say that it is so pleasant to watch the river’s flow, to hear the sound of a bonfire, and to watch someone’s working. The same wonderfully cool thing is the weekend but, unfortunately, the weekends cannot go forever, and we suppose that there is no need in total procrastination for the whole life. Especially if talking about those who have to earn for the living – such a prolonged rest can turn to a real trouble and the lack of the money.
In fact, the weekends have plenty memes dedicated to any aspect of them, actually. For example, there are long weekend memes, showing us how freaking awesome it is to spend the days on parties and rest after them; there exist “weekend is here” funny pictures – they remind us that the week if finally finished and we can calmly feel refreshment of mind and body; we saw “enjoy your weekend” images and totally fell in love with them, as they are the most entertaining and nice from all the memes types.
However, there are some pics, revealing another side of the weekends. Have you ever seen an exhausted person with a blank stare and dirty clothes? If you met such a subject in Saturday, be sure that he or she is definitely working at this day. What a pitiful creature! We wish you to avoid such a fate and have really emotional and positive weekends; but remember that they will be definitely over soon, so be prepared to such a punch from the fortune.
In this page, you can feel sorry for the working wretches and laugh at them quietly, as your working friend, sitting near you, can forget about your close relationships if you will fetch a dreadful laugh at his sad destiny.
3 Day Weekend Funny
Funny Saturday Memes
Funny Weekend Memes
I Work Weekends Meme
Long Weekend Meme
Weekend Is Here Funny Pictures
Have a Great Weekend Meme
Work on Saturday Memes
When the Weekend Is over Meme
Enjoy Your Weekend Meme
Weekend Off Meme
Holiday Weekend Meme
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