Virata Parvam is an upcoming Telugu film written and directed by Come Udugula. Produced by Prasad Chukkapalli and Sudhakar Cherukuri beneath the banner of Sri Lakshmi Venkateswara Cinemas, starring Rana Daggubati and Sai Pallavi in the lead roles. Music director Vishal Chandrasekhar composes songs and background music for this movie. Actress Sai Pallavi will be seen within the hand of Rana, the chief of Naxal within the movie.
Director | Come Udugula |
Producer | Prasad Chukkapalli and Sudhakar Cherukuri |
Scenario | Come Udugula |
Genre | Drama |
Story | Come Udugula |
Starring | Rana Daggubati and Sai Pallavic |
Music | Vishal Chandrasekhar |
cameraman | Raju Sundaram & Prem Rakshith |
Editor | Sreekar Prasad |
manufacturing firm | Sri Lakshmi Venkateswara Cinemas |
Publication date | 2021 |
Language | Telugu |
Virata Parvam Film Cast
Here is the complete forged record of the Virata Parvam film,Virata Parvam film teaser and trailer
Watch the official teaser video of Rana Daggubati’s Viraata Parvam film,Virata Parvam First look
Here is the primary look posters of Viraata Parvam film,Virata Parvam Telugu Movie Songs
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