Tinder Pickup Lines That Work EVERY Time
Dating apps have become a very accessible way to meet someone. Maybe even someone who turns out to be special. There are certainly plenty of choices in the dating pool and navigating it all is fairly straightforward.
Searching for a partner in Tinder is actually as simple as swiping right or left. Easy-peasy. Tinder is one of the most popular and well-known dating apps. Just tap on the photo and get to know a bit about the person. Swipe right to like or left- to pass. If you super like the person, swipe up. You’ve found a match and have the option to send a message if that person has also swiped right on you.
There are other solid dating apps. XO lets you skip that awkward first chat and go straight to playing a fun game together. Not into playing games? Then, there’s Facebook dating, a built-in feature you can try right in your account.
Hinge may be for you if you are looking for a match based on mutual interests. Bumble is the way to go if you’re a guy and are too pressured about initiating a convo. Women have to message first when opposite genders match. Or, Happn may make it happen for you. It’s an app that shows you the prospective profiles with whom you’ve crossed paths. The League may be worth a shot If you’re looking for an exclusive dating app aimed at working professionals. (1)
Check out our reminders before you dive into any of these dating apps:
Context is key
Context is key when it comes to hitting on someone with a pick-up line. Many pick-up lines work well. The ones that usually don’t work often are based on someone’s looks. That can come across as offensive. (2)
Lines highlighting a man’s athleticism, culture, wealth, and generosity were most likely successful in leading to further conversation reports one study. They work much better than those that appeared to be empty compliments or were overtly sexual.
Another study found lines about showing off men’s features were most effective on women who were shy, anxious, or self-conscious. Women who were more outgoing and energetic preferred pick-up lines that were direct or humorous. Pick-up lines depicting a “bad-boy” image and overtly sexual lines, in turn, were found to be most appealing to women who were risk-takers, impulsive, and aggressive. (3)
Delivery is everything. No matter how cheesy the pick-up line your delivery can still get the convo going and can be a deal maker for a date. (4) Be sure they “come across as non-threatening and not specifically for the purposes of sex,” says Stef Safran, Chicago’s “Introductionista” and owner of Stef and the City. (4)
Trying too hard to be funny can be a huge turn off. Try other conversation starters if you are not sure if a pick-up line will work for you. At a friend’s party? Ask how he or she knows the host or ask what he or she’s been up to lately. Improvise. Look around for inspiration.
The 3 Cs
A funny pick-up line may not be enough. You may need these 3Cs: confidence, connection, and compliment. That’s according to Jarone Ashkenazi, a dating, relationship, and lifestyle writer. (4) Be confident (not cocky). The ability to establish a genuine connection with the person you’re interested in and the ability to give compliments will seal the deal.
Beyond the pick -up line
You might be wrong If you think a pick-up line is enough to secure a match on a dating app. Your success entails five elements included in the right combination.
Set up an interesting photo, an enticing bio, strategy, and system. (5) Plan ahead. Not all will swipe in your favor. What if you’re faced with rejection? Don’t be bitter and self-destruct. Analyze what went wrong. Understand what made it work.
Dating apps are crowded. (6) Chances are you’re not the only one interested when you found a prospective match. A simple “Hi” may not help you get noticed. Step up and grab attention by sending a good opening message. (6) Check out these lines to stand out from the pack and put you in the dating game.
The Best Tinder Pickup Lines for Girls 100% Working
Follow the OPE rule, when coming up with your first Tinder messages to a woman: O – original; P – personalized and E – exciting.
- I have a feeling that you’re trouble
- Are you http? Because without you I’m just ://
- (Hottest in The Perimeter?!)
- On a scale of 1 to 10, you’re a 9. I’m the 1 you need.
- You sound busy…any chance of adding me to your to-do list?
- I’d say you’re the bomb, but that could turn into lethal conversation…
- If God made anything more beautiful than you, I’m sure he’d keep it for himself.
- You look so familiar… didn’t we take a class together? I could’ve sworn we had chemistry.
- This time next year let’s be laughing together.
12 Funniest Tinder Pick Up Lines for Guys He Can’t Ignore
Make sure you have a working strategy. Here are some “hard to ignore” messages:
- Hi I’m doing a survey of which pickup line guys think is the worst:
1. Do you come here often?
2. Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?
3. Hi I’m doing a survey of which pickup lines guys think is the worst. - Do you believe in love at first swipe?
- Do you like Mexican food? Cause I want to wrap you and make you my Baeritto.
- Truth or date? ????
- My mom told me not to talk to strangers online, but I’ll make an exception for you.
- That’s a nice shirt. Can I try it on after we have sex?
- Do you play soccer? Because you’re a keeper!
- I was feeling a little off today, but you definitely turned me on.
- You don’t need keys to drive me crazy.
- Do you like sleeping? Me too, we should do it together some time.
Good Tinder Openers That Break the Ice Every Time
Here are some Tinder lines we certify have actually worked:
- You’re everything I thought I never wanted in a girl
- (Name!) Drinks or coffee this week?
- You’re so beautiful you just made me forget my pickup line.
- Going to Whole Foods, want me to pick you up anything?
- Hi, I’m Mr. Right. Someone said you were looking for me?
- Nice hair, wanna mess it up?
- Did you fart, cause you blew me away.
- I hope your day has been as beautiful as you are.
- What’s a smart, attractive, young man like myself doing without your number?
Hilarious and Funny Pick Up Lines for Tinder in 2020
Ladies like guys with a sense of humor. Try one of these:
- Sorry, I can’t hold on… I’ve already fallen for you.
- We should skip the week of chatting/ small talk and just go on a coffee date.
- Hey, we’re a match! Does this mean we’re dating now? Give me a second, I need to change my Facebook relationship status.
- Do you believe in love at first sight, or should we match again?
- Sorry, but you owe me a drink. (Why?) Because when I looked at you, I dropped mine.
- My love for you is like diarrhea, I just can’t hold it in.
- My mom thinks I’m gay, can you help me prove her wrong?
Really Good Tinder Pick Up Lines That Always Work
What to say on Tinder in order not to scare ladies off? Here are some one-liners to inspire your personalized messages:
- You don’t know how many times I’ve had to swipe left to find you
- I really like your (insert something from her pictures and try to make it interesting) in your picture.
- Do you have a personality as attractive as your eyes?
- Two truths and a lie! Go!
- Can I have your Instagram? My parents said I should follow my dreams.
- Finally I found a Girl like you
- Hey gorgeous, will you be my Tinderella?
- Aside from being extremely sexy, what else do you do for a living?
- If you were a vegetable, you’d be a cute-cumber.
Smooth Tinder Pick Up Lines for Her to Relieve the Tension
Smooth out your Tinder chat with lines like these:
- You look like you have great energy, I’m curious, where do you get it from? Yoga? Sports? Dance?
- 69 miles away, huh? Well, that’s ironic…
- If beauty were time, you’d be eternity.
- Your profile made me stop in my tracks.
- I’m not drunk, I’m just intoxicated by YOU.
- Titanic. That’s my icebreaker. What’s up?
- My friends would be jealous if you went out with me.
So Cheesy Tinder Pick Up Lines She Has Never Heard Before
Who said that cheesy pick-up lines don’t work? Choose one of these:
- When our friends ask us how we met, what are we going to tell them?
- Are you a good cuddler? ‘Cuz I might let you join my gang.
- Has anyone ever told you, you look a lot like (insert a beautiful celebrity they kind of look like)?
- We matched! Does that mean you’re coming over to my place tonight, or should we meet and establish
- we aren’t serial killers or living with our parents first?
- Is there a rainbow today? I just found the treasure I’ve been searching for!
- If I were a cat I’d spend all 9 lives with you.
- Wouldn’t we look cute on a wedding cake together?
- Can I borrow a kiss? I promise I’ll give it back.
- I would ask you to come to the movies with me… but they have a rule against bringing in snacks.
Clever Tinder Lines That Can Get You a Date with Any Girl
How to pick up clever ladies on Tinder? Here are some funny lines to try:
- Forget hydrogen. You should be the number one element!
- If you were a triangle you’d be acute one.
- Are you the square root of 1? Because you seriously can’t be real!
- Are you made of copper and tellurium? Because you’re CuTe
- Are you a carbon sample? Because I want to date you — drinks this week?
- You look like you love adventure, you know some guys love spontaneous/ adventurous girls.
- According to the second law of thermodynamics, you’re supposed to share your hotness with me. I’m thinking, ice skating and hot chocolate this week?
- They say Tinder is a numbers game… so can I get your number?
- You’re sweeter than 3.14. Tell me I just won the cheesy pickup line competition?
- You must be the square root of 2 because I feel irrational just looking at your profile! (And clearly you bring out my geeky side!)
- If you could be anywhere in the world, doing anything you like right now, where would you be and what would you do?
- My name’s Microsoft. Does that give me an excuse to crash at your place tonight? (I’ll bring my Mac?)
Top Awesome Tinder Hookup Lines for a Sophisticated Lady
Here are some icebreakers to choose from:
- Prettiest smile I’ve seen on Tinder
- You’re going to have to delete tinder, you’re making the other girls look bad
- Maybe you can help me. I forgot the password to my account, and when I hit ‘password hint,’ it keeps telling me ‘Jessica’s phone number.’
- Even if there wasn’t gravity on earth, I’d still fall for you.
- Dinner first, or can we go straight for dessert?
- Are you a magician? Because whenever I look at you, everyone else disappears!
- I wish I was a derivative. So that I can lie tangent to your curves.
The Cutest Tinder Pick Up Lines That Work Every Time
Here are some flirt lines that won’t be boring:
- You shall be my Wife
- I’ll cook your dinner if you cook me breakfast
- I don’t know how this works, are we married now?
- You wanna know what’s beautiful? Read the first word again.
- Did you have lucky charms for breakfast? Because you look magically delicious!
- Since distance equals velocity times time, let’s let velocity and time approach infinity, because I want to go all the way with you.
- There’s only one thing I want to change about you, and that’s your last name.
- My mum told me I could be anything in the world so I want to be yours.
- Are you a piece of artwork? Cuz id like to nail you to a wall
12 Best Tinder Jokes and Fresh Tinder Opening Lines for a Witty Girl
Want to impress her, not bore her? We’ve got your opening lines:
- I’ve been waiting here for…. Minutes and you still haven’t send me a pickup line, how rude.
- I’m no photographer, but I can picture us together.
- Be unique and different, say yes.
- Does this mean I won’t be a virgin by the end of the week?
- Is your dad a drug dealer? Cause you’re so Dope!
- Please call 9-1-1, because you just made my heart stop!
- You’re so attractive that my phone gets hot just from talking to you.
- I’m new in town. Could you give me directions to your apartment?
- If you were an option in «fuck, marry, kill»… I’d have to choose to kill myself, because I can’t bear not to fuck and marry you.
- Will you be my alarm clock? So I can spank you every 10 minutes, for another 10 minutes.
- Hey girl, are you a Netflix series? Because I’d stay up 5 minutes past my bedtime to finish you
- Are you my homework? Because I’m not doing you right now and I probably should be!
Super Cheesy Pick Up Lines