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Cleaning has become a household activity and also an online phenomenon. With the rise of the Internet and social media platforms like Instagram, we have seen the proliferation of cleaning “gurus” like Mrs. Hinch in the UK. The basis of Mrs. Hinch’s Instagram account for example is to show her as she cleans her property. She provides tips and tricks for her 3 million plus followers on how to best clean various aspects of her home. As a result, she has gained a massive profile, signed a book deal and has single-handedly made cleaning an on-trend focus. This has meant huge growth and exposure for individual cleaning companies that she endorses.
As a result of this new era of cleaning being seen almost as a hobby, we’ve also seen the emergence of apps on various devices that can assist with these cleaning tasks. These apps offer organisation elements so that people can then structure their cleaning “to-do” lists. Some apps also can help with specific cleaning knowledge whereby you might have, for example a certain carpet stain that you need assistance in cleaning. Of course, these apps can’t do the physical work for you, that still has to be done manually but they definitely can help to bring some systematic approach to getting things done.
Running a household, especially when they are children involved can be quite stressful and even more so if both parents are working full-time (or even part-time). Cleaning is a task that unfortunately, is ongoing; it is literally never-ending and so it requires there to be a system in place in order to keep on top of it. Ways to do this include building a routine, so for example, the task of cleaning windows should be scheduled a couple of times a year so that the dirt and grime does not build-up
The team from Senator Windows has put this infographic below together which outlines all you need to know about household cleaning apps. It explains the platforms that they’re available on; it details whether there is a cost or not; it outlines a review rating and also a sample review. Check out the full infographic below for all the details.
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