Saying Thank You as a positive reinforcement. A simple “Thank You” is a compassionate way to reward an action, behavior, or job well done. It is one of the most powerful forms of positive reinforcement. Saying “thank you” is gratifying. It also implies a certain behavior that occurs again to get more of the same reward. It’s reinforced. (1)
It can be easy to be critical of others, but it just might be more important to be appreciative.
Positive effects.
Saying “Thank you” has personal positive effects. It is beneficial to both you and the person you are thanking. Research shows saying your thanks – your appreciation — will make you feel better. It is good for your health, mood, and general well-being.
“If both parties are benefitting from this, I think that’s the type of action we should be pursuing more often in our everyday lives,” (2) says Amit Kumar of the University of Texas at Austin’s McCombs School of Business. You are actually doing yourself a favor each time you give someone a heartfelt thanks and you may not even know it.
Say “thank you” to your boss
Saying thanks has proven to be essential, but it sometimes can be awkward when saying it to your boss. You worry about finding the right words to use, the length, frequency and intent. Could your boss take it the wrong way?
Bringing the positive effects of appreciation and gratitude into the workplace leads to the “we’re in this together” mentality. This will help in bringing all of you together for success. (3)
Here are some tips:
- Be sure it is absolutely true. Make sure the words you are about to say are what you absolutely believe in. There can’t be any doubt.
- Focus on the person you are thanking, not just the act. instead of just saying thanks for this or that, for example, say something like, “Thank you, you’ve always been considerate and kind.”
- Say it privately. Surprise your boss with a simple thank you note or a message.
Thank You Card to Mentor
Are you are lucky enough to have a wonderful mentor? Then don’t miss a chance to send a thank you email. He or she will appreciate this small but sincere gesture. You don’t need a special occasion to write a thank you message to a mentor who deserves it. Here are some ways to express it:
- I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate you for being my manager and mentor. You helped shape my career and professional life and showed me how to transform my mistakes into skills. I really appreciate everything you have taught me!
- You have been a great manager, mentor, teacher, and guide. Your support and advice has helped shape my professional career. Thanks for being the best boss ever!
- It is one thing to be a boss, another thing to be a mentor but a completely different thing to be a leader. We are proud to be led by a boss, mentor and manager like you. Thanks for everything.
- It really feels so amazing working in your positive environment. Working under your management is indeed a great opportunity for any individual like me. Thank you!
- I can never repay you for all that you’ve done — because of you, my entire career path has opened up. You are an inspiring teacher and a great mentor. Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity.
- Thank you dear mentor for showing me the right path and illuminating my mind. I will be grateful to you throughout my life.
- I want to thank you for all you have taught me in business. The knowledge and wisdom you have imparted upon me has been a great help and support throughout my career. I believe my success is at least in part due to your sincere support and mentorship.
- You have always been very instrumental in my career. I really appreciate your mentorship and guidance. Thank you so much.
- You inspired me during difficult times when I needed words of encouragement. You are a blessing in my life. Thanks for all your support and advice.
- Dear Mentor, Your entrepreneurial skill has endeared you into many hearts. Accept my heartfelt gratitude for your time, support, and patience.
- Thank you for listening, for guidance, for inspiration, for encouragement and most importantly… for being a mentor to me.
- Working with you is such a privilege, I got so much to learn from you in life. You have been there in all my strive. Thank you Sir for all your efforts, for all the while, Thanks again!
Thank You Quotes for Boss
Bosses are people who carry the most responsibility, teach and support members of their team. Here are some quotes you can choose from:
- Boss, nothing I can say will ever convey the amount of gratitude, I owe to you for showing me how to have the right attitude.
- Thank you for teaching me that every mistake is just a learning experience. I have learnt so much with you. Ever since I have been working for you, I found myself evolving both with respect to my career as well as a person.
- You are worthy of respect and admiration. Always full of energy and motivation. In tough times, you’ve cut us some slack. As a boss, we know you’ve always got out backs.
- Thank you for being less of a boss and more of a leader. Thank you dear boss for all the guidance!
- Thanks for being a Friend more than an angry manager. Thank for being a Mentor more than an arrogant leader. Thanks for being a Buddy more than a taskmaster. Thanks for being a Comrade more than an employer.
- Thank you, boss! Hard work has never been so fun; you make it easier to desire to do more. Thank you for being an inspiration.
- I have learned so much from you — and just when I think there isn’t any more to learn, I learn something else! That just goes to show that you are an awesome boss and a great mentor. Thank you for all that you’ve done for me.
- I truly appreciate and value everything I have learned from you. It will forever remain a major contributor behind my success and achievements. I really look forward to the day I can do the same for someone else.
- Thank you for your mentorship! I could not have achieved this much if it was not your support and guidance.
- Each workday becomes survivable because of your praises. Thank you for recognizing my potential as an employee.
- You make me feel like a million bucks every time you ask me for my opinion on something important, although I know that sometimes you do it only to make me feel nice. Thanks for being such a wonderful boss.
Thank You Quotes to Supervisor for Encouraging Me
Tell your supervisor you appreciate his or her help. ‘You are encouraging me’ is a simple but significant phrase showing you understand you could hardly achieve career success without your mentor. Choose from quotes below, add some personal wishes and details, and you are all set:
- The success I’ve had in my career is due in no small part to your support and encouragement. I appreciate you so much and value everything that I have learned from you.
- Your leadership and words of encouragement mean a lot to me. I’m very grateful for the opportunities you have given me. Thank you once again for all your time and effort!
- The quality of your leadership has been an inspiration to me. Thank you so much for being a wonderful director.
- Thank you for all your support and encouragement, I hope that I can look forward to working with you again in the future.
- Thank you for all the encouragement and the guidance. Thank you for helping me grow in my career. May God bless you dear boss.
- Thank you for motivating me even when I wanted to give up. You have been a fantastic boss and I hope to learn much more from you in the coming years.
- I want to express my deepest gratitude for believing in me. You have been an excellent friend, teacher, mentor and a great inspiration for me. You have inspired me to pursue my goals with hard work and dedication. You have shown me the value of honesty, sincerity and trust in business.
- Being under your wing has been a blessing to my life. I hope you help someone else like you have really helped me.
- I’m so thankful that you are my supervisor. You are not just a leader to me, but you are also an inspiration. Your hard work has been my inspiration since I became a member of your stuff. Thank you.
- Thanks for putting pressure on me, being tough on me for my mistakes that were silly. Sometimes tough love is necessary, which is what I have learned in my career journey.
Appreciation Letter to Boss
We all want that reinforcement knowing our hard work is appreciated by co-workers. Just say ‘thank you for your guidance.” It will motivate and inspire them for further development!
- Dear Name,
I just wanted to drop you a note to thank you for the opportunity you gave me to attend the professional development workshop in Orlando last week — and also for securing my travel and expense funding for this trip.
The workshop sessions were both informative and inspirational, and I’m looking forward to sharing the things I learned with our team. I feel confident that the processes I was introduced to will really improve our efficiency and increase our workgroup’s ownership of our projects.
Thank you for your confidence in me.
I’m sure you’re going to be pleased with the results.
Best Regards,
Your Name - I will never know what it feels like to work under a boss who is annoying, grumpy, irritating and always angry. But this is one work experience that I am glad not to have had – all thanks to a boss like you.
- You are to us what Warren Buffet would be to an apprentice investor, Gordon Ramsay would be to an aspiring chef, David Beckham would be to an aspiring footballer and Brad Pitt would be to an aspiring actor – Demigod. Thanks boss.
- Boss, at work, you are the answer to all our problems and questions. Thank you for being our very own Google.
- I really appreciate how you have always been so friendly and supportive of all of my efforts even when they are slightly misguided. Working for you has been very enjoyable and I have learned and grown a lot. Thank you!
- Accept my heartfelt appreciation message. Thank you for your kindness and help. May God bless you abundantly!
- Thanks for putting up with me for so long. You have been a miraculous teacher and boss and I am forever grateful for the generosity you have shown me.
- Your integrity as a manager is admirable. Thank you for showing me exactly what kind of boss I hope to be in my new job.
- I am truly thankful to you, as you have given me an appraisal and such a good compliment. I promise that I will strive hard and contribute to your company. I will do my best so that you feel proud and our company gets all the success. Thank you for being such a wonderful boss that you are.
- As we continue to work with your day by day, we begin to understand and appreciate your vision for the company. Thank you for always being supportive of our creative projects.
Thank you Letter to Employer
There are a lot of different reasons to say ‘thank you’ to your employer. Did you just get a raise? A promotion? Or, just some good advice? Use one of these letters. Customize them and send them to your employer.
- Dear Name,
I really appreciate your understanding and support regarding the changes we’re making to the project plan.
I feel that these changes are going to streamline the current project, and facilitate the organization of those in the future.
Thank you for your confidence in me. I’m sure you’re going to be pleased with the results.
Best Regards,
Your Name - Thanks for converting our mistakes into lessons, pressure into productivity and skills into strengths. You really know how to bring out the best in us.
- After working with a flawless boss like you, I have started feeling a little left out when I am with my friends. Every time they say bad things about their bosses, I really have nothing to say. Thanks for making me feel like an outcast.
- _______, thank you for not giving me food, instead teaching me how to hunt for it. Thank you for not telling me what to do, instead letting me use my own creativity in getting things done my way.
- Thank you so much for the promotion and the opportunity to spearhead the new project. I appreciate your trust in me and your offering me the responsibility; it’s an honor.
- The new project will be an exciting endeavor for my team and I. We’ll keep you informed of our progress and I’m confident you’re going to like the end results.
Your Name - Dear Sir, you have excellent abilities of leadership and we’re so lucky to have an understanding boss like you. Thanks to you for your support and guidance.
- Not everyone’s boss forgives them for making a mistake. Thank you for letting me learn from it instead of punishing me for it.
- I want to thank you for giving me advice, believing in me, and just being you. You taught me to go after what I want. I have set goals and accomplished them. This was all because I knew how hard you worked and I looked up to you.
Thank You for Your Leadership
Leadership isn’t easy. Tell your supervisor how appreciative you are If he or she does something helpful for you. You don’t need to wait for a special occasion like Boss’s Day. Express your gratitude any old day.
- Your leadership skills make it easy for you to manage our team, even with our diverse professional background. I’m proud to have learned some of these qualities from you. Thank you for guiding me professionally and personally!
- You are a wonderful teacher, boss, leader, and friend. You are everything one could look for in a good mentor. You groomed us to be sound professionals and made working with you an interesting and memorable experience. I will always be grateful to you for your support and kindness.
- I am so grateful that you took me under your wing when I first started at this company. Your leadership and example has helped me grow into my potential. I would not be where I am today without you.
- I am so lucky to get to work with someone who inspires me every day. Thank you for your guidance and leadership.
- If it wasn’t for you, I would not know the meaning of leadership. Thank you.
- Thanks for being our manager and role model. We appreciate all the knowledge and skills you’ve imparted to us. Thanks for being a great leader!
- It’s not easy to find a true leader to look up to, so it’s been a wonderful experience to work with a great boss like you. Thanks for helping me become known as an expert in my field.
- Thank you very much because your leadership has been my inspiration each day. Thank you!
- It was really so amazing to work with you in such a positive environment. Working under your leadership has been an amazing opportunity for me. Thank you so much.
- Your guidance and advice help brighten my career and professional life. Thank you for being the best manager in the world!
Thank You for the Opportunity to Work With You
Thank your boss for the opportunity to work with him or her. Check out the messages below for some inspiration.
- It feels amazing to work in such a positive environment where everyone’s opinion matters. Thank you for such a brilliant opportunity. I genuinely appreciate it from the bottom of my heart.
- Your leadership and words of encouragement mean a lot to me. I’m very grateful for the opportunities you have given me. Thank you once again for all your time and effort!
- I would like to thank you for all that you have done for me. I’m grateful to you for giving me the opportunity to work with you and have enjoyed my time working under your leadership. Thank you so much!
- Thanks for giving me an opportunity to work with you. You are truly an interesting boss that anyone would be lucky to work with.
- Working for you is an honor, working without you is an absolute horror. Working under you is a pleasure, an experience that I will truly treasure. Thanks boss.
- You have always put your employees’ needs first more than the company. That proves enough to say that you are the most amazing boss ever! Thank you so much sir!
- ________, I just want you to know that I consider myself really lucky to have got an opportunity to work for someone like you. You make even the most tedious job a lovely learning process. Thanks a ton!
- Over and above your duties as my manager, you acted as a mentor and coach too. Thank you for all the tools you equipped me with.
- You not only granted me an opportunity to work with you, but you also guided me and made me strengthen my focus on all that I ever wanted to achieve. Thank you!
- Your company expertise, reliability, and even goodness generate a good and enjoyable place to work. Many thanks for extending your passion and adaptability in times one of us of your staff needs a day-off. Thank you.
- Your decision-making skills always inspired me to be like you! Thank you for all the lessons, Boss!
Thank You for Your Support
We often face difficulties during our employment. They make us stronger, smarter, and allow us to gain significant experience. Here some ideas:
- I admire your leadership and decision-making skills — I hope to continue learning from you and appreciate all your encouragement and support. Accept my heartfelt gratitude!
- You are a wonderful boss who knows how to bring out the best in your employees. Please accept my heartfelt gratitude for all the support and motivation!
- You are a fantastic boss! Thanks for supporting me, teaching me, and sticking up for me!
- Words can neither qualify nor quantify how helpful your guidance and advice has been. I am forever grateful for your support!
- I couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you for everything you did for me as my manager.
- We would like to say that you’re the best boss we could ever have dreamed of working with. Thank you for your support and inspiration!
- Working under your leadership was a great chance for me to grow professionally and personally. Thank you for your support!
- Thank you is a small word, Because under your guidance, I have learned so much from you, All the things old and new, You are a great support for sure, Thank you so much!
- Thank you so much for all the encouragement and support you gave to me. Thank you for all the pieces of advice that are the reason for my success. Thank you, boss.
- Dear boss, I show my appreciation for your enduring support in the last project and thank you for the promotion you handed me. I am much grateful to have a supportive boss like you.
- I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for being such a supportive boss.
Farewell Message to Boss
You and your team hate to lose a fair and kind mentor. Show your respect to him or her by sending a touching and respectful card. It will show you appreciate everything your boss has done for you.
- Boss… there have been many times when your bossy ways have made us frown and complain. But after the dust settles we’ve always admired your persistence to push us again and again. Today as you leave the office and let go of the helm of our team, we wish you the best and hope that your new job fulfils all your dreams.
- Other bosses give orders, you gave us direction. Other bosses give targets, you gave us a vision. Other bosses lead by authority, you have always led us by respect. Farewell to a boss, like no other.
- The biggest laurels on the mantelpiece of your life will be the respect, love and affection of all your colleagues. Farewell.
- This company has been my pottery wheel, you have been the potter and I have been a pot in the making. Farewell, to the boss who has shaped my career.
- Company procedures taught us how to make good decisions by following operational manuals. You taught us how to how to make good decisions by following our hearts. Farewell to a true leader.
- I was inspired by you every day. Thank you for being a wonderful teacher, mentor, and friend.
- If I hadn’t worked in this position under your leadership, I wouldn’t be ready for this new challenge. Thank you. Farewell to a great mentor, leader and friend!
- Thank you for being the most wonderful boss to all of us!
- I would like to thank you for all that you have done for me. I’m grateful to you for giving me the opportunity to work with you and have enjoyed my time working under your leadership. Thank you so much!
- Our whole team would like to thank you for being our wonderful boss.
- Farewell, _______! Your leadership is a significant experience through our job life and we’re grateful for your kind concern and guidance.
How to Thank Your Boss for a Bonus
A bonus is not only about money. It’s about recognition. Write that thank you note now.
- The bonus was an awesome surprise. I am also grateful for the raise. I am excited about working for the company and what the next year will bring.
- What a pleasant surprise to receive a bonus this week! Being new to the team, I wasn’t expecting to be included this round. Thank you for sharing my input and value with your boss as I am aware that she makes the final decision regarding the bonus payouts.
- I am glad I was assigned to your team. The work this team does is rewarding, and I delight in the team collaboration which helps us all be more productive. Thank you for this year’s recognition in the form of the raise and bonus.
- Thank you for all your support with [project] throughout the year. The bonus I received for my efforts is appreciated.
- The $500 gift card to Amazon for the employee of the month award is awesome! Thank you! I look forward to spending it very soon on some stuff for me and some things for my cats. Thank you for nominating me for the award.
- Thank you for believing in me! I’m so excited about this promotion and can’t wait to get started. Let’s do great work!
- Thank you for the recent bonus. It is sure to come in handy, but more than that, it gives me great confidence to know that my hard work is being recognized. I’m so grateful to work for a company that shows its appreciation so generously.
- You have indeed expressed great trust in my work abilities by giving me an excellent bonus. I would always try to do my best and will make it a point to never disappoint you in the future. Thank you.
- By giving the bonus you have made me feel that I am very much a part of the company. Thank you so much.
Thank You Note to Boss When Leaving Job
It’s important to write a meaningful letter of appreciation when leaving your job. Working for any company gives us significant experience allowing us to move on. Here are some ways to say thank you.
- As I leave to pursue my new career venture, I want to take the time to thank you for your guidance and support during my employment. Working under your capable supervision and direction has been a memorable experience, and I have learned a great deal from you. The skills and abilities you helped me develop will empower me to reach my professional goals more quickly in the future. I wish you the very best in all your endeavors.
- Before I leave, I wanted to remind you what a pleasure it was working for you these last 2 years. I appreciated your support and management style and feel I learned a great deal here. I hope we can stay in touch.
- It has been an amazing four years for me here at ________________. I started off with you as a temporary employee, and then you graciously took me on full time. I want to let you know how much I appreciate all of the learning opportunities you extended to me during the time I have worked with you. You have always been a fair and kind employer. The decision to leave and take a position with ______________was a difficult choice to make. I will miss you greatly, and I’d love to keep in touch. My new email address is _________________.
- I would like to express my sincere thanks for giving me the opportunity to learn so much about the real estate business and mortgage lending. At times my work here has been quite challenging, but it’s provided me with invaluable insight about myself and my capabilities. As I move on to another career field, I will never forget your friendship and kindness. I will think of you often, and drop by for surprise visits every now and then. Thank you for allowing me to share your journey over these past two years.
- Working with you was a privilege. i may have changed jobs, but what’s not changed are the valuable lessons you’ve taught me. Thank you being the perfect boss.
- A big thank you, boss, for the guidance you have provided me on the deal project. I am really thankful and appreciate your effort and guidance all the way. You have been a really helpful and special person.
- Being part of the finance department team has given me many pleasant memories to cherish as I move into a new season of my life. I’ll probably never forget how welcome everyone made me feel on my very first day here. Best wishes to you all! I hope we can say au revoir rather than goodbye and stay in touch as we pursue our personal goals.
- I was lucky to have you as my mentor. Thank you for investing your time in me.
- One of the most difficult parts about deciding to leave was the knowledge that you would no longer be my boss. I’m going to miss you.
- A million thanks to the best boss in the world! Thank you for giving us some words of encouragement and full support even if it is not related to our work. You are amazing! Thank you and God bless you!
- While I still have the opportunity, let me thank you for all that you have done not only for me but for the whole department. You are the most supportive boss we ever had. Thank you for everything.
Thank You for the Recognition
We search for recognition in all spheres of our personal lives and careers. Here we have some texts for expressing gratitude to your boss.
- I am glad I was assigned to your team. The work this team does is rewarding, and I delight in the team collaboration which helps us all be more productive. Thank you for this year’s recognition!
- Thank you so much for the (raise, bonus, gift)! It’s both exciting and humbling to be recognized (for a job well done, at the holidays, for no special reason, etc.). Your thoughtfulness and generosity empower me and encourage me to do my best, always.
- I am excited about this year’s bonus! The amount is appreciated. I enjoy working with our team and am grateful for the financial recognition of our accomplishments.
- Being recognized with a raise and a bonus feels great! Thank you for the financial appreciation.
- Thank you for the recent bonus. It is sure to come in handy, but more than that, it gives me great confidence to know that my hard work is being recognized. I’m so grateful to work for a company that shows its appreciation so generously.
- Thank you, boss, for recognizing my efforts and presenting my laurels as a part of it. I am much happier to have such an understanding and supportive leader like you.
- Thank you so much for recommending me for promotion and for being instrumental in helping me secure the position. I greatly appreciate the confidence you have in me and my capabilities to lead the marketing team as its director. I will continue to work hard to bring our team to the next level. I fully expect to exceed expectations that are placed on my new role here at the company. There are several ground-breaking strategies I plan on implementing that will expand our business, increase company profits, and strengthen our brand. Thank you again for your trust and support.
- Thank you for my salary raise. You the perfect knack to spot talent and hard work. This salary raise means so much to me as I have been through some tough financial problems in the past few months.
- I will not feel coy about telling you how I feel about the bonus. I am really thankful. This will help me keep myself energized and focused at work and overtime.
- Thank you for letting me know that my work is appreciated. Thank you for the recognition.
- Positive Reinforcement Can Help Favorable Behaviors. (2020). Verywell Mind. https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-positive-reinforcement-2795412#:~:text=In%20operant%20conditioning%2C%20positive%20reinforcement,or%20behavior%20will%20be%20strengthened.
- Ducharme, J. (2018, August 31). Why You Should Write More Thank You Notes. Time; Time. https://time.com/5383208/thank-you-notes-gratitude/
- Tanner, O. C. (2015, April 15). The Psychological Effects of Workplace Appreciation and Gratitude. Emergenetics International Blog. https://www.emergenetics.com/blog/workplace-appreciation-gratitude/