Teddy is an upcoming Tamil film written and directed by Shakti Soundar Rajan. Produced by Gnanavel Raja, Teddy film stars Arya and Sayyeshaa inside the lead roles. Music Director D Imman composes the background and songs for the film. The intriguing poster of Teddy choices Arya with a gun, whereas a computer-generated teddy bear is seen standing behind him petrified. The movie goes to launch immediately on the Disney+ Hotstar platform on March 12, 2021.
Talking regarding the Teddy film Shakti Soundar Rajan says, “The teddy bear is the second most important character in the movie. It has been completely created using CGI, and we have made it perform and fight. I think this itself makes the film a new attempt.”
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Director | Shakti Soundar Rajan |
Producer | KE Gnanavel Raja |
Screenplay | Shakti Soundar Rajan |
Model | Movement drama |
Story | Shakti Soundar Rajan |
Starring | Arya, Sayyeshaa |
Music | D Imman |
Cinematographer | S Yuva |
Editor | T Shivanandeeswaran |
Manufacturing Agency | Studio Inexperienced |
Launch date | March 12, 2021 |
Language | Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam |
Teddy Movie Poster
Teddy Tamil Movie Strong
Teddy Tamil Movie Teaser
Teddy Tamil Movie Songs
All songs of teddy movie was composed by D Imman.
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SOURCE LINK: www.SociallyKeeda.com