Actor Taapsee Pannu has completed taking pictures for her movie Shabaash Mithu, which is the biopic on Indian ladies's ODI and Test captain, Mithali Raj. On Tuesday, Taapsee took to Instagram and shared the replace together with her followers. She wrote, "8 ki thi jab kisi ne ek Sapna dikhaya tha,ki ek din ayega jab Cricket sirf gentleman's game nahi hoga. Humaari bhi ek team hogi, ek pehchaan hogi....."Women in Blue" Aa rahe hai hum.... Jald hi....#ShabaashMithu. ITS A FILM WRAP! Get ready to cheer for the World Cup 2023!#WomenInBlue." Shabaash Mithu: Taapsee Pannu Shares About Her Love for London as She Prepares for Mithali Raj Biopic.
Shabaash Mithu is directed by Srijit Mukherji, who changed filmmaker Rahul Dholakia after the latter needed to give up the challenge owing to a change in schedule. Alongside the wrap-up announcement, Taapsee uploaded an image from Lord's stadium. In the picture, she may be seen carrying the Indian cricket crew jersey. Teacher’s Day 2021: Taapsee Pannu Is All Praises for Her ‘Shabaash Mithu’ Coach Nooshin Al Khadeer on the Occasion.
Taapsee Pannu Pens Loving Post For Women's Cricket Team After Wrapping Shabaash Mithu
Shabaash Mithu is scheduled to launch in 2023. (This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, SociallyKeeda Staff might not have modified or edited the content material physique)
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