Bollywood actress Shraddha Kapoor on Saturday evening visited legendary singer Lata Mangeshkar, who's at the moment admitted to the ICU ward of Mumbai’s Breach Candy Hospital. Shraddha Kapoor was clicked arriving at the hospital late Saturday evening hours after the information of Mangeshkar’s well being being essential was shared by Dr. Pratit Samdani, who's at the moment treating the legendary singer alongside together with his workforce of docs.
In the photographs, we are able to see Shraddha Kapoor sitting within the again seat of her automotive. She was wearing white apparel and appeared tense whereas the paps clicked her. The actress had coated her face with a masks and her mom Shivangi Kolhapure was sitting beside her with an intense look on her face too.
(All photographs by Viral Bhayani)
Earlier on Saturday, singer Asha Bhosle met her elder sister, Lata Mangeshkar. After assembly Mangeshkar, Asha spoke to reporters as she left the hospital in her automotive. Asha Bhosle, as quoted by information company ANI, stated, “The doctor has said that she is stable now.” Earlier, Dr. Pratit Samdani stated that the singer is being given aggressive remedy and is tolerating the procedures effectively. After beforehand recovering from Covid-19 and pneumonia, Mangeshkar was as soon as once more placed on ventilator assist, due to her essential situation.
The 92-year-old singer had examined optimistic for Covid with gentle signs and was admitted on January 8 to Breach Candy Hospital’s intensive care unit (ICU).
Several high-profile personalities have visited the hospital together with Union Minister Piyush Goyal, Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) chief Raj Thackeray, filmmaker Madhur Bhandarkar, and NCP chief Supriya Sule to examine on the singer.
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