Famous Kannada actor Puneeth Rajkumar, who handed away on the age of 46, will be cremated on Saturday night right here with full state honour. According to BJP MLA S.R. Vishwanath, Puneeth's elder daughter Dhruthi, who lives within the US, will be reaching New Delhi by midday and preparations are being made to deliver her to Bengaluru. Once she reaches, the mortal stays draped in Tricolour, will be taken to the Kanteerava Stadium in a procession for the last rites.
Puneeth, son of Kannada movie legend Dr Rajkumar, handed away on Friday following a cardiac arrest. His mortal stays have been stored at Kanteerava Stadium for his followers to pay their last respects.
Meanwhile, unable to bear the lack of his beloved hero, 22-year Rahul Gadivaddara ended his life in Athani of Belagavi districton Friday.
According to the police, earlier than hanging himself at hs residence, Rahul had garlanded Puneeth's {photograph}.
Lakhs of followers from throughout Karnataka and neighbouring states have been pouring in since Friday night to bid ultimate adieu to their favourite star.
The followers stored on streaming in all through the evening. The police had to resort to lathi cost to management the swelling mob.
Bigwigs of Telugu, Tamil and Malayalam business are anticipated to go to Bengaluru and pay their last respects.
Meanwhile, Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai has held a gathering at his residence workplace Krishna relating to managing the state of affairs. Tight safety association has been made all around the metropolis to stop any untoward incident.
City Commissioner Kamal Pant has appealed to individuals not to pay heed to any rumours.
Reserve police platoons from different elements of the state have been deployed at Kanteerava stadium as increasingly persons are pouring in to bid farewell to the departed actor.
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