We have all heard about the famous and effective L’Oreal Magic Retouch Root spray for retouching your outgrown hair roots, but have you heard of using this product to create fake freckles?
Creating fake freckles has been quite a trend in recent years. While it used to be seen as a flaw, it is now seen as a beauty mark that not everyone has. From using henna to eyeliner and even eyebrow pencils, all these tools have been used in an attempt to draw on fake freckles.
Apparently, you can use the Loreal Magic Retouch Root spray to create the freckles look, let’s check it out!
Here’s how you achieve the effortless fake freckles with the Magic Retouch Root Spray:
1. Lightly spray on the product
Firstly, spray the product on your face, in the shade that you prefer.
Note: Do not spray it too hard as it tends to leave blotchy dark marks on your face which is definitely not what you want to see. Do not spray it too near your face as well, as it will appear too patchy!
2. Blend the “freckles” onto your skin
After you have sprayed a desired amount of product on your face, use a sponge or beauty blender to blend it out evenly and naturally onto your skin.
3. The look is done!
The look turned out pretty natural looking on TikTok beauty star, Ollie rockabilly!
Watch the full Tiktok video here:
@ollierockabillyAttempting a freckle tutorial, using L’Oréal magic retouch in medium iced brown. #fakefreckles #freckle #frecklestutorial #frecklesmakeup #makeup♬ original sound – Ollie Rockabilly ????
What people think of this trend:
While there were people who liked the look and found it very natural-looking,
there were also people who found this trend very rude and that the result of the freckles from the spray was unsatisfactory.
Other beauty enthusiasts who have tried out this trend:
1. Beauty YouTuber, Slashed Beauty
She felt that this was a pretty cool way to make use of such a product to create freckles. However, she also stated that it does take a bit of practice to get the perfect look and that ultimately, this is not what the product should be used for.
2. Beauty Youtuber, Jessyka Martin
She was amazed at the incredible end results and totally recommended viewers to use this method of getting fake freckles.
3. Beauty Youtuber, Naomi Jon
Meanwhile, beauty Youtuber, Naomi Jon, who is known as the queen of creating the most natural-looking fake freckles, had a bad experience with this spray. Each spray turned out very patchy and the “freckles” did not look natural on her at all.
Overall, this trend has received both positive and negative feedback, and it was definitely insightful to see that you could use this spray for such a purpose!
If you would like to try the L’Oreal Magic Retouch Root spray, whether it be for trying out this unique trend or for using it on your hair, you can purchase it at S$16.90 from Watsons or Guardian.