People Are Sharing The Helpful Things They've Learned In Therapy

Published:Dec 5, 202315:14
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Because therapy is expensive, but sharing mental health tips is free.

I was chatting to a friend the other week about our mental health journeys, and I realized I’ve been in and out of therapy for over a decade.

I’ve seen multiple psychologists for various different mental health conditions, and have a bunch of tips and tricks I’ve learned – grounding techniques and being pulled back ‘to the moment’ work really well for me when I’m having a PTSD trigger – that I always share with my friends when they’re looking for ways to manage their mental health.

I know that therapy isn’t ‘one size fits all’, and going to therapy and having someone work with you one on one is best, but when therapy isn’t available or affordable to everyone, sharing tips that have helped you is better than leaving others out in the water without a lifevest.

With this idea in mind, author Caroline Moss tweeted out a simple request to her followers on Twitter this week; tweet out the best lessons you’ve learned from your psychologist.

As well as crowdsourcing therapy tips, tweets like this open up the discussion around mental health and the accessibility of such services. While reading a series of tweets summarizing lessons learned by others is not the same as going to therapy, for a lot of people, it’s all they have access too.

Some of the tips in the thread are ones I’ve learned through therapy myself, like learning to give myself permission to feel and process my emotions through little crying sessions I call “pity parties”, which has helped my mental health immensely, or acknowledging the pressure of the word “should”.

This is also one of those too-rare cases of the internet banding together and doing a good thing, so more of this on social media, please!

Here are some of the helpful highlights, but the entire thread is a treasure-trove of therapy tips that are well worth a read…

On feeling emotions

On talking to yourself

On managing expectations of yourself and others

General tips for depression, anxiety, and PTSD

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Join the discussion: What are some of the best tips you’ve learned in therapy, or that you use to be mindful? 

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