OK Kanmani actress Nithya Menen celebrates her birthday on April 8. The actress who marked her Bollywood debut with a multi-starrer, Mission Mangal is thought for her appearing expertise and the means she breathes life into all her reel characters. The actress who has brazenly mentioned how she will get trolled for her weight points and why it is an ignorance that must be highlighted is an icon for a lot of. Besides being a high performer and one in all the main women down south, Nithya can also be a budding fashionista who's slowly making a mark in the trade. Nithya Menen Birthday Special: From Mersal to OK Kanmani, a Look at Her Best Movies.
Nithya Menen's trend selections would strike a chord with that girl-next-door in you. They are easy and fuss-free and most significantly, you aren't getting intimidated by them. She likes her conventional sarees as a lot as she adores her cotton clothes or layered outfits and appears pleasant in all of them. With her curly tresses and a persona so assured, Nithya nails all of those fairly designs together with her signature aplomb. The actress who makes a robust case for all the ladies with curves and is certainly an icon to look as much as.
On Nithya Menen's birthday right now, we determined to have fun her type and her love for informal trend, one outfit at a time. Let's take a peek inside her wardrobe. Nithya Menen on Her Filmography: Important to Do Movies That Stand the Test of Time.
Nothing Prettier Than a Red Outfit
Keeping it Simple and Chic
Looking Great in Green!
Such a Classic Choice!
The Girl-Next-Door Fashion
A Ray of Sunshine!
Pretty in Pink
Happy Birthday, Nithya Menen!
(The above story first appeared on SociallyKeeda on Apr 08, 2023 09:00 AM IST. For more information and updates on politics, world, sports activities, entertainment and way of life, go surfing to our web site SociallyKeeda.com).
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