Newest Top13 Humanoid Robots With 45 Axes From China Debut This New Tech

Published:Aug 31, 202413:31
Newest Top13 Humanoid Robots With 45 Axes From China Debut This New Tech

While humanoid robots in the West are advancing at breakneck speeds, China’s World Robot Conference 2024 just previewed their best competitors. Here are the top 13 humanoids that may be coming to a job near you.

1. Kuafu by Leju Robot and Huawei

Kuafu is an AI robot with a range of capabilities, including cooking, preparing drinks, sorting items, and even working in car factories. With its Pangu-embodied intelligence and Hongmeng robot operating system, Kuafu can jump, walk, and navigate uneven terrains. It weighs about 45 kilograms and has 26 degrees of freedom, making it highly versatile in industrial and home scenarios.

2. X-Robots

X-Robots are China’s most realistic-looking humanoid creations, designed to replicate human emotions and behaviors. While currently used mostly for displays and entertainment, X-Robots aims to integrate these humanoids into real-world service positions as their technology matures.

3. Navya from Jejong’s Humanoid Robot Innovation Center

Navya stands at 1.65 meters and weighs 60 kilograms, featuring advanced hardware such as lightweight humanoid arms and a dexterous hand. The robot excels in mechanism control, imitation learning, and reinforcement learning, making it a powerful tool in various applications.

4. The Gallibot G1

Gallibot G1 is a dual-arm robot that excels in precision tasks. It is widely used in manufacturing, retail, and home environments, performing tasks such as stocktaking, delivering goods, and assisting with household chores.

5. Tora-1 Bipaxenitech

Tora-1 is a second-generation tactile humanoid robot equipped with advanced multi-dimensional haptic sensing technology. It provides personalized 24/7 support in museums, hotels, and home environments, offering assistance with chores, security, and emotional companionship.

6. The S1 by Astrobot

The S1 household robot mimics human movements with extraordinary accuracy, excelling in tasks like opening bottles, cooking, and even performing calligraphy. It is one of the most precise robots available, with a commercial release set for later this year.

7. AGI Bot’s "Yuan Zhong and Ling Xi" Series

AGI Bot’s new series includes several commercial humanoid robots, such as the Yuan Zhong A2 and the Ling Xi X1. These robots highlight advancements in power, perception, and control technologies, with the Ling Xi X1 being fully open-source and available at no cost to developers.

8. Booster T1

Booster T1 is a nimble robot capable of performing advanced acrobatics and push-ups. It stands 1.6 meters tall, weighs 43 kilograms, and can handle up to 145 kilograms of pressure on its legs.

9. Wanda from Unix AI

Wanda is a wheeled dual-arm humanoid robot currently working as a chef. It is positioned as a home service robot, assisting with household tasks like laundry, folding clothes, and making breakfast.

10. Walker S-Robot by UBTEC

Walker S-Robot stands 1.7 meters tall and features a newly designed body with advanced sensors and multimodal perception. It can navigate complex environments, perceive humans and objects effectively, and perform complex tasks in industrial applications.

11. Tiangong from Beijing’s Humanoid Robot Innovation Center

Tiangong is a versatile robot that excels in mobility, operating in challenging environments like slopes, stairs, and uneven terrain. It is designed for a wide range of applications, including manufacturing, logistics, construction, and search and rescue.

12. Qinglong Robot

Qinglong stands at 185 centimeters tall and weighs 80 kilograms, boasting a bionic torso, anthropomorphic motion control, and impressive computational power. It is designed for diverse tasks, including navigating obstacles and managing inclines with stability.

13. Mystery Robot

The final robot on the list remains unidentified, but it demonstrates impressive dexterity and a sleek design suitable for various settings. Its origin remains a mystery, so feel free to comment if you have any ideas about which company this humanoid belongs to.


China’s World Robot Conference 2024 has showcased some of the most advanced humanoid robots to date, each with unique capabilities and potential applications. These robots are set to revolutionize industries and may soon be a common sight in both work and home environments.

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