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Building construction is not about the bricks and cement only. A multi-storied building that gives a home to many people needs to be well designed and built—multiple support systems like the leakage detection system, safety exits, water supply, and thermoregulatory systems. One thing that can help the busy city life is a faulty fire extinguisher system within minutes in an accident. The water shortage and the flawed extinguishing system can bring many miseries to the apartment owners and harm the building design. Here in this article, we will discuss the right fire extinguisher chain for your building and the handy maintenance tips.
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Fire Extinguishing system
Dry Riser
There are two mainly established extinguishing systems for multi-storied and high rise buildings. The first one is the dry riser supplier. It is a simple water tank with pipes and valves of your building during any case of fire breakouts. Usually, the system doesn’t hold water all the time. The attached pumping motors bring up the water every time and fill the valves, pipes to supply water.
Wet Riser
On the other hand, the wet riser system always stays full of water. It has a pressure system to hold the water inside the pipes and valves against gravity. The damp riser system is also known as the pre pumped sand pipes. You will need them to water a different part of a high rise building at the same time.
Which one to choose
You need to install a dry riser water system in buildings about eighteen to sixty meters or six to eight stories above the ground. In other cases, you may use the wet riser supply system. Buildings with more than seventeen stories need a wet riser pump for sure.
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So, the dry risers are the most widely used water supply systems apart from the commercial buildings, and most residential places are below fifteen stories.
Dry Riser Maintenance Tips
The risers systems are helpful and necessary to build safety according to most city corporation building rules. The authority can fine or punish the building complex owner if they find faulty fire extinguishing systems in the building. Apart from the yearly mechanic check, here are some dry riser solutions so that you are always ready to fight the fire.
Visual checkups once a month are the best way to keep your dry riser updated. If it’s not possible, then once in six months is necessary. During the checkup, the pressure should be at twelve bars, and the checker should maintain the safety protocol. Thus, only experts can run the checkup session. Keep a hundred millimeters diameter on both the inlets of your dry riser to ensure proper extinguishing facilities and better performance. You need to check the release valves at the top of all vertical columns to ensure the vent.
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From the ground floor, there should be a landing valve on each base. The lowest point of the landing valve is about seven hundred fifty millimeters above the ground. Keep the landing valves and gears inside a box to keep it safe from rots and casts. The horizontal connecting pipes are better than the vertical bolts.
The inlets should have a considerable distance between the two so that you can change the watering center in case of any sudden emergency.
Fire breakouts are one of the significant reasons for city disasters and mass death. The city designers once spent most of the space to build rooms and stairs. But, it is time to take safety into account and design according to it.
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Source: https://www.sociallykeeda.com/wet-riser-vs-dry-riser-for-your-building/