Filmmaker Shekhar Kapur on Tuesday took to Twitter to remember late actor Sushant Singh Rajput. Kapur said he misses discussing philosophy and physics with Sushant.
Kapur reacted to a fan reposting his past conversations with Sushant over Twitter. “There was a time when @shekharkapur and @itsSSR used to talk on Twitter,” tweeted the fan.
Reacting to the tweet, the filmmaker wrote: “I miss exploring philosophy and physics with Sushant. For someone so young, his mind was incredibly agile. With amazing wisdom.”
I miss exploring philosophy and physics with Sushant. For someone so young, his mind was incredibly agile. With amazing wisdom— Shekhar Kapur (@shekharkapur) April 13, 2021
Kapur’s tweet left netizens emotional. A user commented: “I don’t think in the current generation of actors, we had anyone as intelligent yet grounded like him .. wish the world knew that about him before he left .. still traumatised by his exit.”
I don’t think in the current generation of actors, we had anyone as intelligent yet grounded like him .. wish the world knew that about him before he left ..still traumatised by his exit — Ruchi Gupta Mankad (@iamruchimankad) April 12, 2021
“None and I repeat, none of the Bollywood actors have the hunger for learning, the depth of knowledge and the vast expanse of understanding of any subject like Sushant did. God bless Him,” expressed a Sushant fan.
None and I repeat, none of the Bollywood actors have the hunger for learning, the depth of knowledge and the vast expanse of understanding of any subject like Sushant did. God bless Him.— GoldenSunshine (@GoldenS64447336) April 12, 2021
Another fan said Kapur’s unfinished film Paani was Sushant’s dream project and requested the filmmaker not to release the film now that he is no more.
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