How Can a Nanotech AC Filter Defend you from COVID and Air air pollution?

Published:Nov 30, 202310:38

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The novel Coronavirus has already spread across the world, and no one knows how many COVID waves will occur. With cases expanding in millions in India after the COVID norms are relaxed, it is hard to say anything about what will happen next. But COVID-19 is not the only health concern for many Indians.

Even before its occurrence, there is air pollution, crossing AQI levels way beyond what one could have imagined. You might have heard about the pollution levels in metro cities like Delhi, which is a significant concern for all the inhabitants.

While staying at home is one way to avoid contracting COVID-19 disease, it is crucial to maintain indoor air quality.

Wondering what can work as a bilateral solution at both ends? You need a nanotech split AC filter. Here, it is not about changing the internal mesh filters for its smooth functioning but making it work as an air sterilizer. These split AC filters fit well into the ACs installed in your home easier to clean the indoor air against pollutants and viruses.

Before we move on to the benefits of using nanotech AC filters, let’s talk about how they work.

How Does a Nanotech Split AC Filter Work?

When you have a split AC installed in a closed room, you want it to provide maximum cooling to beat the summer heat. For this purpose, it has a blower and suction that circulates the cool air into the room. But you might not know that the plastic mesh filters inside your ACs are not good enough to filter out small particles. Their functionality is limited to filter particles that are of the size of 10 microns or above.

With COVID-19 disease being a new reality we all live in, most people now know that the size of the viruses is around 0.1 microns or 100 nanometres. If you want healthy air to circulate in your home, you need a nanotech solution in the form of AC filters. If you have kids and individuals in their 50s or 60s in your home, it is crucial to use nanotech split AC filters in your place to avail various benefits.

Advantages of a Top-Quality Nanotech AC Filters

  1. Protection Against Viruses

Even if you do your best to stay at home, you can’t disallow everyone entering your place. Neither would it feel good to ask people about their COVID test report before they can come to your place to meet you. Since you never know if an individual has contracted the virus by looking at their face, it can give a path for the viruses to enter the indoor air. Thanks to the installed ACs that will circulate the infected air around.

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This possibility can be easily prevented with nanotech split AC filters with a viral filtration efficiency of more than 99%. Take the case of Nirvana Being’s Nanotech AC filters that filter germs with an efficiency of 99.7%. They have electrospun nanofibres and antibacterial additives to trap harmful germs floating in the air. This way, you can rest assured you and your family stay safe while being at home. The best part is that you can continue using the AC as a sterilizer in fan mode during the winter season.

  • Easy Removal of Air Contaminants

Other than Coronavirus, many people are battling against air pollution in their lives. We come to our homes thinking the indoor air is better than the outside, not knowing that harmful contaminants may reside inside your place. The indoor air quality depends on several factors, including your home’s location, use of cooling systems, and household cleaning products. If any of your family members suffer from respiratory issues, low indoor air quality can exacerbate their health condition.

As a step towards taking care of your loved ones, install nanotech split AC filters. Their high filtration efficiency can help you eliminate pollutants in the air like PM 2.5 and others. The usage of such split AC filters is quite simple. All you need to do is to get them placed inside the front cover of your wall-mounted AC. They also offer the least resistance to the airflow so that the AC can work with its full potential.

Nanotech split AC filters are DIY solutions to stay healthy inside your home. Make sure you buy from a renowned brand like Nirvana Being and ask about their total life so that you can replace them timely.

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