The best things today are memes, which are funny and all of us use them. Either we use them to wish happy birthday to someone, or just to laugh and have fun, we can find all kind of memes online, from grumpy cat, funny kids, celebrities, characters from movies or TV shows, hilarious animals or cartoons.
It’s also a trend to use memes with the days of the week. And what could be more funny than laughing because the weekend is close or because the weekend is gone and you have to start all over again from Monday. Anyway, we start to enjoy the week when Thursday is on, because we know that the weekend is close and we don’t have to worry about anything.
A Thursday meme will definitely make you laugh, because Thursday usually means that you have one day left till the weekend. There are memes with pictures where people start their week very sad or depressed and when Thursday is on they are happy and ready for adventure.
For instance, hilarious memes like: “It’s Thursday…or as I like to call it, day 4 of the hostage situation” or “If 40 is the new 30, and 50 is the new 40, why can’t Thursday be the new Friday” are really funny to make your day better and to forget that you don’t like any other day except the days from the weekend. Thursday memes with funny animals who look like they are tasting the freedom, one of them being: “Thursday is Friday Eve!”
We don’t have to forget to be funny and laugh, even if we don’t like Mondays or Thursdays. You just have to pick a Thursday meme and share it with your friends so you could laugh together and have fun. Even if it’s Monday today, don’t remember that soon will be Friday again, so you don’t have any reason to be sad.
Best Funny Thursday Meme
Fuck This Shit Its Thursday Meme
Funny Thursday Meme
Funny Thursday Pictures
Happy Thursday Funny Memes
Hilarious Thursday
Thursday Funny Pics
Thursday Meme
Thursday Memes 18
Thursday Work Meme