Everyone has the wave of fails, actually. Well, there exist the bastards that are especially loved by the fortune and have never known any troubles in life. You should not envy – they are weak and will be certainly knocked out even with a possibility to be fucked up. We, in our turn, are seasoned soldiers, crazy dare-devils, and tough individualities, who saw a lot in life and survived! To be honest, such thoughts are the only things that console us during a recurrent misfortune.
Someone, who has a really good sense of humor, shows its funny messed up photos in the social networks. Such persons realize the importance of the laughing at problems, as it greatly helps psychologically. The experts suppose that the optimistic attitude to life creates the best circumstances for forming the cohesive personality and avoid the excessive stress and day-to-day pressure. We understand that it is impossible to be born with a caul in reality and face any trouble with crazy and suicidal mood. Thus, the most suitable thing we can use every day is just to change our attitude towards the situations we have been fucked up.
All the said above does not prevent us from scrolling some of the Internet pages, filled with funny fucked up memes, messed up pics and experience a truly sarcastic humor. All those screwed up pics and photos are so satisfying that you will be able to relax even after a bad day. Hey, you are not alone with your fucked up face! Let’s show our own freaking fails to the public, making the people laugh and joke, and reveal our strong personalities, able not only to deal with problems but also to share the positive mood with the others.
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