Ford Motor Company is one of the most famous American multinational carmakers. Its founder, Henry Ford, has been inspiring a lot of generations – he used to be a poor civilian of the US but managed to override all the troubles he met during the production processes. The Ford company has got the fame of a really cool auto producer, so the cars of this huge enterprise can be seen in any world part. A hundred of years passed, and Ford proved that the high quality can stand the time. Now it is third world company in the US list of carmakers and has a good reputation.
As any serious establishment, it has the followers all around the Earth and, of course, the haters. Well, let it be the persons who are unlikely to have a ford. There are a lot of ways to express the opinion – you can say it aloud; you can discuss it with your friends or just with the passersby. You can protest silently or with the full capacity of your voice – but the best thing to support or ridicule something or somebody is making in with the help of the Internet. To be honest, it is not the best way but it works every single time, and the memes authors are highly motivated to take the challenge and help the car owners either to laugh at their automobiles or even get some serious facts through the funny images. It is cool that the humor is used even to spread some information, even about the Ford company’s products. The anti-Ford photos with funny or angry sayings are also popular – we do not know, actually, whether it is because of the great number of the troubles with the Fords or because the human nature to joke at the less successive neighbors.
Good Ford puns are funny anyway – and we, being true representatives of the humankind, are likely to joke at the Ford owners. It is better than envy, isn’t it?
Anti Ford Pictures
Ford Owner Memes

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Good Ford Jokes
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