David, Devindra, and Jeff navigate the difficult task of attending the Sundance Film Festival remotely. For the feature review, the cast switches gear from Little Things to White Tiger, a new drama directed by Ramin Bahrani now available on Netflix.
Read more about White Tiger:
Use #slashtag on Twitter to recommend a title for us to watch. Thanks to Mike C for building the Hashtag Slashtag website: https://hashtagslashtag.com/
Thanks to our sponsors this week: Theragun, Candid, Mejuri, and My Sheets Rock.
Shownotes (All timestamps are approximate only)
What we’ve been watching (~23:30)
David – The Little Things (Se7en), Glitch in the Matrix
Jeff – Black Bear
Devindra – Flee, Users, On the Count of Three, Prisoners of the Ghostland, In the Earth
Feature (~1:09:42)
White Tiger
Spoilers (~1:25:00)
- Our music sometimes comes from the work of Adam Warrock. You can download our theme song here. Our Slashfilmcourt music comes from SMHMUSIC.com. Our spoiler bumper comes from filmmaker Kyle Hillinger. This episode was edited by Beidi A.
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