Searching for Eleanor Roosevelt Quotes? then this is the right page to find the most determined and inspiring thoughts said by former First Lady of United States.
About Eleanor Roosevelt
Eleanor Roosevelt (October 11, 1884–November 7, 1962) was one of the beloved and respected women of the 20th century. When her husband was running the United States as President, Eleanor Roosevelt remodeled the function of the first lady by taking active participation in the work of her husband, Franklin D. Roosevelt. After Franklin’s demise, Eleanor Roosevelt was appointed as a delegate to the newly established United Nations, the place she helped started to build the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
From Soft Spoken Child to Influential Presidential Spouse | Life Stages
Eleanor Roosevelt was an orphaned, “ugly-duckling” who grew up to be the First Lady of the World. She was the niece of President Teddy Roosevelt and as such, was no stranger to the world of politics. But, as a child, she had shown no evidence of an outgoing, political nature. Indeed, she was shy, awkward, and withdrawn after having been raised by her strict and dour grandmother.

Thus, she was astounded when her ambitious, handsome, and eligible fifth cousin Franklin Roosevelt, proposed marriage in 1905. By 1910, Franklin was a New York state senator. As his political horizons expanded, so did Eleanor’s social conscience. It was her husband’s attack of polio in 1921 that irrevocably set Eleanor Roosevelt on the path of social commitment. The need to bring the outside world to her convalescent husband ultimately led to Eleanor’s taking up of her own causes, particularly social and welfare legislation. She began speaking in public (overcoming her shyness) to fill in for her husband and keep his name alive politically.
With her determination and self believing confidence, she inspired many women and young kids. Many youngsters made her idol due to her influential thoughts and speech.
Roosevelt became governor of New York in 1929 with Eleanor beside him. A brief four years later, the Roosevelts were in the White House where Eleanor became a most active, visible, and influential presidential spouse. During her tenure as First Lady, Eleanor Roosevelt championed the cause of the less fortunate. She traveled to prisons, mines, hospitals, and tenements. She was an active proponent of her husband’s New Deal and became known as his “eyes and ears” as she traveled around the Depression-era U.S. It is estimated that she traveled over 40,000 miles each year as the First lady.
Among her achievements as First Lady was the establishment of the National Youth Administration. She was voted one of America’s most admired women year after year.
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There are numerous famous people quotes around our website, here are some of the Inspirational Quotes by Eleanor Roosevelt, which help to gain self-confidence and make you a better person.
Inspirational Eleanor Roosevelt Quotes | Encouraging Sayings
When you cease to make a contribution, you begin to die.
The only things one can admire at length are those one admires without knowing why.Famous Eleanor Roosevelt Quotes During 20th Centuary
A woman is like a tea bag – you never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water.

Hate and force cannot be in just a part of the world without having an effect on the rest of it.Encouraging Eleanor Roosevelt Sayings
The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.
It is not fair to ask of others what you are unwilling to do yourself.Motivational Saying By Spouse of Franklin D. Roosevelt
One’s philosophy is not best expressed in words; it is expressed in the choices one makes… and the choices we make are ultimately our responsibility.
Best of Eleanor Roosevelt Sayings | Famous Quotes
I am what I am today because of the choices I made yesterday.Inspirational Eleanor Roosevelt Quotes
To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, use your heart.
Friendship with oneself is all-important, because without it one cannot be friends with anyone else in the world.Best Saying by Former First Lady on Friendship

People grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courageously. This is how character is built.
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.Famous Personality Quotes said by Eleanor Roosevelt
Your ambition should be to get as much life out of living as you possibly can, as much enjoyment, as much interest, as much experience, as much understanding. Not simply be what is generally called a “success.
Since you get more joy out of giving joy to others, you should put a great deal of thought into giving.
With the above thoughts, we wrap the article for Best Eleanor Roosevelt Sayings. Do comment your views towards the respected Eleanor Roosevelt and share pages with your colleagues.
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