Discover What Are The Hardest Things To Fix On A Truck

Published:Jan 25, 202516:16
Updated on:Jan 25, 2025
Discover What Are The Hardest Things To Fix On A Truck
Fix On A Truck

Owning any type of vehicle means that you are occasionally going to need to do repairs. Of course, regular servicing should help to minimize unexpected repairs and help you to budget for car maintenance. But, regardless of how hard you try, there will be times when something goes wrong on your truck.

It can help to know the most common problems in advance.

Electrical Issues

Electrical issues often aren’t serious but you can rarely solve the issue without the help of a good automotive electrician. The simple fact is that an electrical; issue can appear anywhere in the wiring or sensors, making it very hard to trace it. 

Fortunately, automotive electricians have the experience and the tools to identify where the issue is and fix it as quickly as possible.

It is worth noting that, even with the best tools available, it can still be a process of trial and error. 

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The Engine

One of the biggest repairs on any truck will be replacing the engine. It is often cheaper than replacing the vehicle but it is still an expensive job. It’s also time-consuming and challenging. To replace the engine you need to disconnect all the accessories, wiring, and dismount it from the engine bay. You’ll then need a suitable lift to pull the engine up and out before lowering a new or reconditioned unit in.

It’s not a job most amateur mechanics take on lightly but it is feasible.


The transmission isn’t as complicated as the engine to remove. There are fewer connections to remove and the box unbolts from the engine. However, it can be difficult to remove from the engine bay with the engine in situ. 

 A further complication of the transmission is that the clutch will be exposed. This means that you should, ideally, replace the clutch at the same time. But, the clutch must be properly centred to prevent oil leaks and early destruction of the clutch.

That means the transmission becomes a complicated and heavy job.

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Air Conditioner

The air conditioner on any vehicle has high-pressure and low-pressure hoses that contain a refrigerant. The system is pressurized and topping it up must be done via the correct terminal.

If your truck develops a fault with the main unit then the refrigerant will need to be removed which requires a special machine. 

In many cases, the air conditioning unit is buried under the hood, making it particularly difficult to locate and remove. 

Spark Plugs

Spark plugs are one of the cheapest and potentially easiest jobs to do on a truck. However, manufacturers often bury the sparkplugs deep in the head, meaning that not only is access limited, but you’ll also need a specialised tool to get to them. This can turn a simple job into a complicated and challenging one. 

Final Thoughts

If you’re not a mechanic then any job on your truck is going to seem challenging. That’s why it is usually best to get the professionals involved. 

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