In the communique, Xi is portrayed as an epoch-making chief alongside Mao and Deng, the solely different two Chinese leaders who had put ahead such resolutions. Under Mao, Deng and now Xi, the Chinese nation has "ushered in a great leap from standing up and getting rich to becoming strong," it mentioned."He wants to really highlight his own contribution to the development of the party, that also will seal his legitimate rule over China in the foreseeable future," mentioned Victor Shih, an knowledgeable on elite Chinese politics at the University of California, San Diego. "Then of course, no one would challenge his power within the party." The communique, nevertheless, additionally disregarded any point out of the celebration's previous errors, together with a lethal famine and a decade of political and social turmoil unleashed by Mao -- disasters partly brought on by the fervent cult of character surrounding him.After a long time of collective management following Mao's dying, Xi has returned, at least partly, to the one-man rule of the Mao period."Now we are back to the strongman politics," mentioned Jean-Pierre Cabestan, a professor of political science at Hong Kong Baptist University."The danger, of course, (is to rely) on one person to make decisions, but also rely on his health, on his own character to decide about the future of a nation of 1.4 billion people," he mentioned.And when there's just one individual in power, there's only one individual to blame when issues go flawed.
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