Michelle Pfeiffer's Catwoman has been trending on social media after a Batman Returns set video was unearthed. It's no secret that Pfeiffer was a natural when it came to using Catwoman's infamous whip, as it's been talked about quite a bit over the last few decades. But, the recently unearthed behind-the-scenes footage finds the actress beheading four mannequins in a single, uninterrupted take, and it's blowing people's minds all over again. Michelle Phieffer as Catwoman, whipping the heads off 4 Mannequins, & skipping away, all in one take.. cause you can’t defeat a bad bitch pic.twitter.com/gaNCjrLT99— Mikey Walsh (@thatbloodyMikey) February 18, 2021
In Batman Returns, Michelle Pfeiffer's Catwoman tests her new-found skills in a department store. One of the most-talked about scenes from the movie comes when the villain beheads four mannequins, which looks like it was split into takes in the final cut. However, behind-the-scenes video shows that Pfeiffer was able to pull it off in one take, which surprised even her trainer, Anthony De Longis. For some, Michelle Pfeiffer is the best part about Batman Returns, and there are still many DC fans who would love to see her return as the character at some point.
In 2017, Michelle Pfeiffer recalled getting the part of Catwoman in Tim Burton's Batman Returns, noting that she was not the first choice. Annette Benning was originally going to star in the sequel, but she had to step down after learning she was pregnant. "I trained for months with the whip master," Pfeiffer remembers after landing the part. "On our first day together, I caught his face with the whip and it drew blood. It completely shattered me." As it turns out, Pfeiffer was only getting started when it came time to utilize the whip.
Michelle Pfeiffer went on to perform all of her own stunts with the whip in Batman Returns. While she was confident when training, getting it together on the set was a bit harder. "I was very nervous on my first day of shooting," Pfeiffer said. "I'd gotten pretty good with the whip, but when you show up... you don't anticipate all the lights everywhere. They were set up in places that prevented me from hitting my marks with the whip. So we had to rework the lighting again and again." While the lighting may have needed to be redone several times, Pfeiffer was more than prepared with the whip when the right conditions were set.
In 2019, Michelle Pfeiffer dusted off her Batman Returns whip and showed it off to her followers on social media. She also posted some video of her utilizing the whip, silencing critics who may have doubted that she still had the skills. As for whether or not she'll join Michael Keaton in The Flash movie, that is unclear. Pfeiffer admitted that she had not been approached to revisit her take on Catwoman, but expressed interest in doing so. While we wait to see if she reprises the role, you can check out the behind-the-scenes footage of Pfeiffer taking out the mannequins above, thanks to Mikey Walsh's Twitter account. Reminder: Michelle Pfeiffer whipped the heads off those four mannequins IN ONE TAKE to thunderous applause from the Batman Returns crew! pic.twitter.com/wVqyH4qw6A— Jarett Wieselman (@JarettSays) February 19, 2021 Still can’t believe Michelle Pfeiffer doesn’t have an Oscar https://t.co/CdXNijsl2d Idk why Michelle Pfeiffer is trending but I’m here for it pic.twitter.com/V82YPBfjFF— Samantha Ponzillo (@sponzillotv) February 19, 2021 omg they made michelle pfeiffer from the ethel cain song into a real person https://t.co/DU2T9Qae3D— haiiii:3 (@sc0utsworld) February 19, 2021 I saw a making of - her jumping rope with the whip was not in the script. She was just so happy, she ad-libbed that and the director loved it and kept it in the film. She was magnificent in the role!— Eric Os (@EricAndFazio) February 19, 2021 Michelle Pfeiffer the legit Catwoman. This makes me want to watch Batman Returns again https://t.co/dRhUgAf5Nw— Pirate Pete ???? (@piratepeteshow) February 19, 2021 Michelle Pfeiffer as Catwoman in BATMAN RETURNS by Tim Burton .... a thread pic.twitter.com/6BrRDgJzoM— RepeatRepeatRepeat (@The3Rrrs) February 19, 2021 in this house, we praise michelle pfeiffer https://t.co/3PoFSou9ok— malu ???? (@motherblanc) February 19, 2021 I think @ratedPDG would appreciate this just as much as I do. Let’s face it, #MichellePfeiffer is ICONIC. https://t.co/qc8QyDGtQc— Schlock Horror (@SchlockHorror) February 19, 2021 Queen!! ???? RT @JarettSays: Reminder: Michelle Pfeiffer whipped the heads off those four mannequins IN ONE TAKE to thunderous applause from the Batman Returns crew! pic.twitter.com/KhJEGi7TMY— Eve (@Eve_Venn) February 19, 2021