Any sailor will tell you that it’s far easier to withstand the storm than a flat calm at the middle of the ocean. This metaphor is fully applicable to our daily life, as it’s not always full of adventures, pleasant experiences, new people, and bright and fresh impressions. However, if you feel like you are in treading waters, you can always look through some funny boredom memes, which will entertain you and make you laugh at the situation. Finally, if the choice is between laughter and tears, the first is always the better option.
Sometimes it seems that a workplace is the epicenter of universal sadness and routine. Don’t even think to start working to help pass the time! Don’t let these feelings win, find some bored at work meme and have a good laugh at yourself and other employees also tired as fuck. If you know that your friends suffer as much as you do, feel free to send them some boring memes. Be sure they will be grateful for some minutes of fun. If the situation is becoming unsustainable, just take a look through some so bored images – they will show you that even though everything’s bad, some really funny pics still can cheer you up!
We have a huge collection of funny bored pictures especially for you! Save them, print them, and share them with your friends on Facebook or Twitter – do everything to entertain yourself! Who knows, maybe some boring pictures with funny captions will make your friends remember about you and save you from boredom. Express your feelings – this will make you feel better. Don’t keep calm, fuck this all, and have some fun!
Bored at Work Meme
Bored Face Pictures
Boring Meme
Boring Pictures Funny Captions
Funny Bored Pics

Funny Bored Pictures
Funny Boredom Meme
Someone Bored Meme
Pictures of Bored People
So Bored Images
I Am Bored Funny Pictures