AMD reveals 18 severe flaws fixed in recent GPU drivers – so don’t forgot to update - SociallyKeeda

Published:Nov 30, 202304:50

Graphics playing cards aren't any completely different to every other piece of {hardware} in that you must maintain drivers up to date – or no less than fairly so – and if something is a lesson in the significance of doing that with a GPU in explicit, it’s a contemporary revelation from AMD {that a} bunch of vulnerabilities have been patched in recent instances.In truth, AMD’s work on the Radeon graphics driver for Windows 10 has put paid to 27 safety flaws, no much less, with Team Red rolling out mitigations for these issues since driver model 20.7.1. As PC Gamer (who hat tipped The Register) observes, drivers since 21.4.1 – launched on April 20, 2021 – include all the required fixes, together with the freshly launched 21.11.2 driver (out immediately).

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