Telugu's 'icon star' Allu Arjun, who was seen at a gala event held by the makers of Naga Shaurya and Ritu Varma-starrer 'Varudu Kaavalenu', has wished the workforce of Bollywood film 'Sooryavanshi' all the very best. As the 'Ala Vaikunthapuramuloo' actor shared some heartfelt moments with the workforce, he was seen wishing them enormous success. Speaking on the dais, Arjun had shared reminiscence with Naga Shaurya, stating that he's a easy, shy particular person. He additionally wished feminine director Lakshmi Sowjanya for her guts in making 'Varudu Kaavalenu'.
Allu Arjun's speech grabbed the eye of all, as he promoted each films and wished that the theatres perform properly, in order to renew the livelihood of 1000's of people that rely on them. "I really wish from the whole of south India all the best to the entire team of 'Sooryavanshi'. I really wish you get people back to the theatres and everybody gets back to the cinemas and watches this entertainment in a very, very safe way."
Allu Arjun's speech, has now grow to be viral throughout social media for cheering for Akshay Kumar and Katrina Kaif-starrer 'Sooryavanshi', which releases in theatres this Diwali.
Touched with this gesture by Allu Arjun, Rohit Shetty, director of 'Sooryavanshi', took to Instagram and mentioned, "As I said earlier, it's not my film it's OUR film... Thank you for the love and support brother. Wish you ALL THE BEST FOR PUSHPA @allarjunonline you are a ROCKSTAR".
Replying to the identical, Arjun had mentioned, "Most Welcome Rohit Ji! Hope OUR film brings back people to theatres again. And we bring back those entertaining times again. Positive that this will pave way for all of us."
Not simply this, moved by Allu's form phrase for the Sooryavanshi, filmmaker Karan Johar tweeted, "An absolute superstar through and through, thank you @alluarjun for your love."
(With IANS inputs)
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