A Painful Vacation! Man Holidaying in South Africa Gets Bitten by Cobra Snake in 'Genital Area’ while Using Toilet

Published:Dec 7, 202304:49

New Delhi, November 15: A fun-filled vacation turned into a rather painful experience for a man after a snake bit his genitals. According to an article by Urology Case Reports, a 47-year-old man received snake bite on his private parts while using a toilet during holidaying in South Africa. The man was reportedly bitten by a snouted cobra, who was sitting in the toilet bowl, and he suffered from scrotal necrosis, which is an acute necrotic infection of the scrotum; penis; or perineum. According to the journal, the victim experienced a burning sensation in his genitals and vomiting. He also suffered pain that grew from his groin to his flank, upper chest, and abdomen. The man had to wait for three hours before he could be airlifted in a helicopter to a trauma centre which was 350 kilometres away. 65-year-Old Austrian Man Bitten in the ‘Genital Area’ by Neighbour’s Escaped Python in Toilet. On reaching the hospital, the man's penis and scrotum were observed to be swollen, deep purple in colour. He underwent several medical procedures including a hemodialysis, surgical debridement in South Africa and a penile shaft debridement in Netherlands, according to the medical journal. In conclusion, the medical journal said,"Snake bites usually occur on the extremities, with few reports of bites to the genitals." "Treatment requires snake venom antiserum and broad-spectrum antibiotic administration, with some cases also needing surgical debridement, renal or respiratory failure management, and possibly even resuscitation," it added. It also advised the people to "Always flush the toilet before sitting down in countries notorious for their snake population."

(The above story first appeared on SociallyKeeda on Nov 15, 2021 10:51 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website sociallykeeda.com).

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