9 Jobs with no gender pay gap

Published:Nov 27, 202303:55
9 Jobs with no gender pay gap
9 Jobs with no gender pay gap

It’s 2023, and as advanced as we are expected to be in society, women still have to fight for their right for equal pay. 

Fortunately, this isn’t the case for every profession, and there are actually a good range of jobs wherein men and women are paid equally. This post will take you through 9 jobs that have little to no gender pay gap!

Taxation professionals

Finance will always be a field that requires professionals. Being one of the few roles where there is no difference in pay between men and women, this one fits snugly in this list. 

With the average salary being £53,186/year according to career smart, it’s a role that pays fairly well, and, well, fairly. 

Social workers

Social workers are necessary for the mental well being and upbringing of many children around the world. Anything from orphans to foster children and those taken into social services, benefit from the services of social workers. 

Paying an average salary of £28k, this salary was reported to be consistent among men and women alike. 


Physiotherapists are necessary for anyone from the average Joe gym-goer, to the elite athlete that needs consistent attention to their physiological needs. 

As it’s a demanding role, it’s only right that people are remunerated correctly for it, with an average salary of £38,480 per year. Another example of a great career path where men and women are paid equally. 

Restaurant managers

What can be quite a demanding and busy job, you’d also be glad to know is paid equally among both genders. 

With an average yearly salary of £26,520 according to union learn, there’s no need to feel the injustices of a gender pay gap as far as this role is concerned. 

Voice overs

The voice over profession is one of those which can be very lucrative for the more popular voices. According to Zippia, the average salary of a voice over is $55,325 to $57,901, for males and females respectively. 

However, with the average voice over working with an agency, there tends to be fixed rates for which both genders receive equal remuneration, whether male or female. 

Now, whether a male or female is chosen for a project is entirely dependent on the target audience, which isn’t mutually exclusive to male voice talents.  

Another profession that allows for equal rights in pay. 


For those looking for a more easy-going, entry level job, receptionists are a good place to start. 

Receptionists get paid around £22,360 yearly, with no main difference between male and female employees, making it a great option for those looking for a role with no gender pay gap. 


Typists, typically hired to record important events, i.e. a court hearing, receive on average £23,400 a year. 

This is no different when comparing between men and women, making it yet another great option for those analysing job options with a small gender pay gap. 

Crematorium assistants

A more spooky job, certainly not for the faint-hearted, those working in crematoriums and morgues typically earn an average £29,640 a year. 

Whilst women only make up 16.57% of the workforce, they are paid equally for the same work. 

HR officers

HR is necessary for the smooth-running of any and every business. That being said, there is only a slight pay gap of 9%, with 64.81% of the workforce being made up of female employees. 

With a handsome average salary of £55,640 a year for the average HR manager/director, this is yet another job to consider for male or female prospects. 

We hope you enjoyed this post on the jobs that have the lowest gender pay gap, be sure to leave a comment below with any input should you have any opinions. 

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