People Cannot Idolize What They Fear So Batman Can Never Demand The True Respect A God Gets

He Can Never Kill And That Makes Batman Unworthy Of Mjolnir
Batman’s Failure To Look Past His Childhood Trauma Is Reason Enough For Mjolnir To Reject Him

Batman Has Given In To Temptation Many A Times In The Past

Deep Down, Batman Knows He’s A Bad Guy & The Mjolnir Would Never Let Itself Be Wielded By Him

I understand how [Superman] suppose. Even greater than the Kryptonite, he’s acquired one large weak point. Deep down, Clark’s primarily an excellent individual…………..And deep down, I’m not.”This alone sums up why Mjolnir wield by no means come to Batman’s assist. Batman performs soiled and he’s happy with it.
Batman Has Become A God Before & He Abused That Power To Kingdom Come

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